Eat Clean! Matlagning inspirationsdag

Eat Clean!  Matlagning inspirationsdag på Hässlöhuset

Tid: 9:00 – 16:00 på Hässlöhuset

Pris: 800 kr inkl föreläsning, råvaror och recept till maten som lagas

under dagen.


Anmälan: eller

*Bra att ha oömmakläder för matlagning.

Begränsat antal platser. Din anmälan är bindande

En inspirationsdag med Ylva Björkman och Leonor Österberg



Tid: 9:00 – 16:30 på Hässlöhuset

9:00 – 10:00 Föreläsning & discussion

10:00 – 11:30 Matlagning

11:30 – 12:30 Lunch

13:00 – 13:30 Mindful yoga

13:30 – 16:30 Discussion & matlagning


En dag där vi pratar om vad mat gör i våra kroppar, enklarnäringslära,

och hur maten påverkar inte bara den fysiska kroppen

utan även våran mentala hälsa.

Vi kommer laga och smaka näringstät vegetarisk vardagsmat av

rena råvaror som är god, lätt att variera och som går snabbt att


Av utrymmesskäl i köket så kommer inte alla laga alla rätter själv.

Dagen börjar med att tillaga våran egen välkomstsmoothie för att

följas av en introduktions föreläsning. Därefter lagar vi en 3

rätters lunch och kommer även baka ett alternativt bröd utan mjöl.

Sedan pratar vi lite enkelt om sockrets effekt i kroppen och för

att avsluta dagen med ett mellanmål.


Föreläsning, discussion & matlaggning

– Mat är bränsle för både kropp och psyke.

– Näringstäta matvaror. Industriprocessade varor vs oprocessade/hela varor. Visa ovanliga grönsaker = mindre förädlade, lägre avkastning och mer näring. Ex, Rovor, pumpa, aubergine, jordärtskockor, sötpotatis, svartkål, groddar m.m

– Matlagningstekniker:

Prata om råvarans hårdhet, textur och möjlighet att äta som den är.

Riva, Steka, Ånga, Mixa, Koka, Vispa, Hacka m.m

– Näringslära Kolhydrater – Fett – Protein

– Varför är industriprocessad mat så tom på näring?

– Vad används Kolhydrater – Fett – Protein till i kroppen?

– Vilken nivå är jag på? Och vad kan och vill jag förändra? Var ärlig mot dig själv!

* Nivå 1 minska på halvfabrikat – öka rena råvaror, kött och grönsaker

* Nivå 2 välj råvarorna mer noggrant, läsa på paketen – köp mer ekologiskt

* Nivå 3 tänk på råvarans textur och tillaga den så att den inte bryts ner mer än nödvändigt

* Nivå 4 Tillaga maten så försiktigt du kan – rawfood?, odla och plocka dina egna grödor




Cleanse and Refresh – Yoga and raw food intensive retreat, at Shambalagatherings




Cleanse and Refresh – Yoga and raw food intensive retreat

24th (15:30) to 29th of June (11:00) – Borntorp/Skinnskatteberg

Price: 5900kr ( food and accommodation included)
Bookings and questions:


“Nourish yourself on every level!”

With Leonor Österberg, your yoga and self inquiry guide, Samayoga teacher and yoga event creator and co-facilitator at Your Sweet Yoga Spot in Sweden, & Avara Yaron, spiritual counselor and raw food muse from Living Food Lab at the Green School in Bali.

***  ***  ***

The most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself.

Two international health and spirituality practitioners will guide you on a special journey of self discovery and insight in a safe and loving environment. Addressing your physical body, thought forms, emotions and spirit, this retreat will be like bathing your entire being in a sacred waterfall. Set aside of your accustomed stress level and luxuriate into a time outside of time, just for yourself. Slow down, dive in and experience a new level of intimacy with the real you.

Each day will include vinyasa yoga practice, meditation guided in a variety of styles, and mindfulness practices, all with the intention of aiding you to set your heart and mind free.

Yoga stretches us beyond where we think we can go and teaches us to breathe through the tight places, giving us strength for life. Meditation quiets the chatter in our minds so we can hear the still, small voice inside, tapping into the well of peacefulness that dwells within us. Mindfulness trains us to be truly present, moment by moment.

All levels from beginners to experienced yogis and meditators are welcome. Newcomers will learn the basics of yogic and contemplative practices, while experienced yogis will find inroads to deepen their existing practice. Wherever we start, we can always go deeper.

Through a series of engaging interpersonal practices, employing various art forms and ceremonies, we will create a sense of community and cultivate real transformation. We will cover such topics as forgiveness, body image and self love.

Our hands-on raw food preparation segments will enhance your understanding of the power of your food choices, as well as the link between yoga asanas, spiritual practice, nutrition and vibrant health. You will learn easy to replicate recipes you can make at home, for meals, snacks and chocolate, so the inspiration you gain can become a regular part of your life.




Leonor Österberg

With a background of intensive sports training (triathlon) Leonor started to develop an extreme interest for taking the body one step further. Focus and hard practice took her into an inward journey only to discover that the word “impossible” was a trap built by thoughts.

Travelling and self inquiry broadened her perspective into life’s existential questions. The long 3 month trip between Portugal and Brazil changed forever her perspective on life, and after further explorations thru Southeast Asia she settled in the country of Sweden. In 2013 Leonor chose the yogic path, committed to self knowledge disciplines and the practice of yoga.
After becoming a yoga teacher she taught classes in her hometown Lisbon and was devoted to continue teaching in the city of Västerås (Sweden) where she has been living for a decade. Leonor created Your Sweet Yoga Spot, a business that develops and co facilitates yoga and raw food workshops and retreats with a clear and deep intention of service for health, body and soul.

Because of the magic of her own journey Leonor is dedicated to inspire others to change lifestyles that no longer serve them by providing yoga personal assessment models suitable to implement change. These ‘one on one’ sessions are a support program to a new lifestyle, merging the practice of yoga, mind shifting, meditation and nutrition.


Avara Yaron

Avara is an entrepreneur and an artist with a passion for uplifting those around her. Avara has explored life as a writer, filmmaker, painter, spiritual counsellor, designer and chef.

For 25 years Avara has mentored with Michael Bernard Beckwith, becoming a Spirirual Practitioner at the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles after completing a 4 year licensing program. At one time overseeing two departments at Agape, she also co-founded a healing service that continues to this day, saw private clients and taught classes about meditation and spiritual growth.

For 17 years she has had a romance with the island of Bali, initially as the manufacturing hub for the line of fine jewellery, handbags and clothing she designed, then as the ideal climate in which to grow her vision of a healthy world through nutritious food.

A lifelong foodie, Avara became a raw food chef and developed a raw food delivery and catering company in southern Oregon before discovering the innovative Green School and moving with her daughter, Sofia, to Bali. There she dreamed up, co-founded and currently operates Living Food Lab, with a casual, raw vegan cafe on the grounds of the Green School and another in the secret garden of Hubud, Ubud’s collaborative business space.

Through Living Food Lab Academy’s weekly classes, Avara shares her enthusiasm for nutrition, her delight in inspiring and connecting with people, and her alchemical wizardry in the kitchen, turning people of all ages on to the power of their food choices. At Living Food Lab there is never a dull moment, whether the crew is catering a party, expanding their product line, or exploring new ways to tantalise tastebuds. Avara now travels the globe, from Singapore to England, from the United States to Australia, inspiring folks to truly care about themselves and feed themselves true nutrition.


Avara Ayron



Leonor Österberg




Bookings & Cancellations

1- Once the participant register to Cleanse and Refresh Retreat he/she will receive a confirmation email. This registration is binding.

2- The participant will agree to pay a registration fee of 10% of the total cost of the Cleanse and Refresh Retreat he/she is applying for, up to 10 days after reception of the email confirmation.
2.1- Full payment of the Cleanse and Refresh Retreat should be done untill 30 days before the retreat start.

3- Should a participant cancel Cleanse and Refresh Retreat, 30 days prior to it’s start, a registration fee of 10% will be charged as a cancelation fee. No refund of this amount will be granted.

4- Cancelations done 30 days to 14 days prior to the start of Cleanse and Refresh Retreat will subject participants to a payment of 25% of the total cost of the course he/she registered for. The preliminary 10% registration fee will not be refunded.

5- Cancelations done 14 days to 8 days prior to the start of the Cleanse and Refresh Retreat, will subject participants to a payment of 50 % of the total cost of the course he/she registered for. The preliminary 10% registration fee will not be refunded.

6- Cancelations done 8 days prior to the start of Cleanse and Refresh Retreat will subject participants to the full payment of the course he/she registered for. The preliminary 10% registration fee will not be refunded.

7- Payments should be done through bank transfer. All details are given in the confirmation email.

8- Full payment of the the Cleanse and Refresh Retreat should be done untill 30 days prior to it’s  beginning.

9 – The participant is fully aware of the above conditions before registering to Cleanse and Refresh Retreat.