The Art of Yoga Assessment with Sky

The Art of Yoga Assessment with Sky Akasha
May 23rd, 2015 Hellasgården
In this one day workshop especially designed for Yoga teachers and bodyworkers we learn how to accurately read and understand a persons physical and emotional expressions. The body is like a map and one can learn to see what the posture, facial lines, voice and behaviour tells about one’s present conditions.  By asking the right questions and thru specific movements the conditions of body and mind become quite clear and we can offer the appropriate balancing postures and lifestyle tips to live a life that is balanced and harmonious.
10-11.30 Morning yoga class with Sky 
12-13.30 Art of Yoga Assessment
15.30 -18.00 Applying the wisdom of Yoga and Ayurveda to bring Balance
Price: 1000 Kr
Organizer: Your Sweet Yoga Spot
Contact: Leonor Österberg
About Sky
In search for balance, healing and answers to life’s purpose and meaning, Sky came to his first yoga class 25 years ago, and immediately felt at home and inspired to learn more.His journey has led him to study several forms of yoga, including Hatha, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Kundalini and the Chinese forms, Tai Chi and Qi Gong.Over the years Sky has been educated in Ayurveda, studying 1 year with the master Dr. Vasant Lad, enriching his understanding of health and clear choices that support a balanced way of living. In 2001 he met his Guru, Swami Vagishananda, definitely the most  important and influential meeting of his life.  Finally there was clear answers to the purpose of life and what all the efforts and practices were for!  Blessed to be in close connection with his Guru, he continues to receive deep studies in Vedanta, sanskrit, mantras, Puja and all the yoga philosophy and values of the yogic tradition. This has given him a good grounding in the purpose and practices of Yoga as a way of achieving balance, harmony and total fulfillment in this life.For the past 15 years Sky has been teaching yoga full time and in 2007 established the Samayoga school, which leads teacher trainings and retreats in Sweden, Bali, Scotland and Greece.

Skys classes are always spontaneous and deeply honoring of his students.  As he says, “I’m like the milkman, I just deliver the milk, fulfilling the sacred and even unspoken orders of the students.” Taught with relaxed passion, humor and clear understanding of the poses and their benefits, the Samayoga form is intuitive and taught from the heart.  It’s a very interesting, creative and fun form to practice. It looks like a Hatha Yoga flow, but spiced with Qi Gong and special mantras to open the heart.

If you wish to book a place, please fill in your details below!